Activity 1
1. Invisibility- So I can sneak into McDonalds and eat all the chicken nuggets.
2. Mind reading- I can see what people want for Christmas.
3. Super speed- I can go wherever I want whenever I want.
Activity 2
Steven Adams
1. What made you want to play basketball?
2. What size shoe do you wear?
3. How tall is he?
4. If you and your sister had a race who would win?
5. What is the most points that you have scored in one game?
Activity 3
Mums dream job is to run a cake shop.
1. By sharing her photos on social media
2. Being her assistant
3. Doing the dishes afterwards so she can make more
4. Doing chores so she has more time to do them
5. Keep a look out for buildings she can go into