Sunday, 29 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2

Activity 1
Dear Journal
Today I done what I felt was the right thing but other people do not agree about what I did so now I am in jail and have been sentenced to jail for life. I am pretty mad at everyone for not agreeing but I done what I thought was right and it didn't work out well. I got arrested and sent to talk with the cops and stuff to sort everything out and to see my side of the story. They then threw me into a jail cell and thats where i'm sitting right now. I have got to go but I will write another entry tomorrow.
Activity 2
They are a group of school students that are striking to tell politicians to think about our future about climate change. They are in Australia. They are sacrificing there education for our future and when we have kids.

I put a milk bottle in the recycling bin.
Activity 3
The problem was that the black people and the white people had to be separated and weren't aloud to use the same toilets or the same drinking fountain. The black people were only giving jobs that were low paying and it also made it hard for them to vote. Rosa found out about a foundation called Montgomery Improvement Association and Dr Martin Luther King Jr was elected as the leader of the group. When the African Americans stopped using the bus the cities transport services made less money and began to struggle


  1. Hi Sophie
    You have done a great job writing the diary entry like you are Nelson Mandela. He really has done and suffered a lot for all of the things that he believes in.
    It would be really sad to live somewhere like South Africa when there is so much wrong in the communities. Apartheid must have been really bad in South Africa in years gone by. I am so pleased that it is not like it used to be.
    I can remember when the rugby team came to New Zealand and there were so many protesters at that game.

    We are lucky to live somewhere that is free from that kind of thinking.
    Great work with all three activities Sophie. I am pleased that you are recycling and doing your part to save our planet.

    Keep up the great work Sophie

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hey Allie
    Yeah it would suck and i'm glad that the world we live in now is free.


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