Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 3

Activity 1
1. Invisibility- So I can sneak into McDonalds and eat all the chicken nuggets.
2. Mind reading- I can see what people want for Christmas.
3. Super speed- I can go wherever I want whenever I want.
Activity 2
Steven Adams
1. What made you want to play basketball?
2. What size shoe do you wear?
3. How tall is he?
4. If you and your sister had a race who would win?
5. What is the most points that you have scored in one game?
Activity 3
Mums dream job is to run a cake shop.
1. By sharing her photos on social media
2. Being her assistant
3. Doing the dishes afterwards so she can make more
4. Doing chores so she has more time to do them
5. Keep a look out for buildings she can go into


  1. Hi Sophie,

    It is always nice to read your blog posts. It is great to see that you have completed all of the day 3 activities.

    I really love the superpowers you have chosen and you have given some great reasons support your choice. I love that you would like to mind read so that you can see what people want for Christmas. You love chicken nuggets too!!! I love chicken nuggets!! You have come up with some awesome questions to ask Steven Adams too, especially the questions about racing his sister :) Who do you think would win?

    Wow! Your mum has a great dream job. I also saw some of the pictures of her cakes that you posted on your blog too. They look amazing. I love cake decorating too and have made several birthday cakes and one wedding cake. You have 5 awesome ways that you could help support your mums dream. To get full points for this activity, I just need you to give one more reason as the activity asked for 6 :) You can just reply with another one below if you like.

    I really hope you are enjoying the week one activities.

  2. Hey Leisha

    I think steven adams would win. I could also help mum by giving her ideas for the ckaes she makes

    Bye from Sophie

  3. Hey Sophie,

    I love that! I'm sure you could come up with some brilliant cake ideas.



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