SOPHIE • SINCE 1976 • JANUARY 3, 2020
Here Is The Cartoon Copy Of What He Looks Like
Captain Calm saves the world from COVID 19.
“Captain Calm told us that from what she knows that COVID 19 is a normal person that was given powers to give people a deadly virus.” “COVID didn’t want to give people the virus but there was a criminal that was forcing him to give people the virus.” “Captain Calms powers are calming people down so as soon as someone was diagnosed with the virus she went straight to their house to calm them down.”Captain Calm caught COVID when she was calming someone down at their house and COVID knew that she was there so he broke in and when she found him he asked her to help him.” “Covid needed help because the virus was starting to hurt him and he didn’t like giving people the virus so he asked Captain Calm to go with him and see the criminal and call the cops on him.” The criminal is now in jail and is going to be for a little while.” Covid is doing well. He's in hospital at the moment trying to get the virus off of him because the criminal gave him an illegal surgery and put the virus in him so he could give it to others.” Captain Calm told us that COVID is not a criminal and that she goes up to the hospital to see him everyday and they have become friends and Captain Calm and COVID have decided that COVID will be Captain Calm’s side kick so we will be seeing him a lot. Since in the past COVID was giving people the virus he will be able to cure every deadly sickness but he won't be curing colds. They haven't figured out a name for him yet.
Thoughts On Lockdown
On the day that we found out that we would be going into lockdown in three days was a scary day. We decided that with everyone being scared that we would interview people. Don’t worry these interviews were safely done by people in my bubble. I decided to interview people from different generations. The hardest thing for most people was not being able to see family members and friends that are outside of their bubble. Leah said “I’m most worried about not being able to pass NCEA level 3 because if I don’t pass then I might not be able to get a good job. I’m also worried about my St John's camps because I want to be a doctor when I'm older and the way to do that is to be in St Johns which I’m quiet high in but I need to go to the camps to be able to get badges which make me get even higher in st Johns.” Grandad said “I have enjoyed the peace and quiet and I've enjoyed being able to walk around my property.” My family has been video calling every couple of days and we have all enjoyed the calls. We sit there for hours and we just talk. Mum is relieved that she has her kids and husband with her and my parents can keep us kids safe. Everyone wanted to be able to see all their friends and family again. We are so lucky to be out of lockdown but we all need to remember to wash our hands and social distance otherwise we could be in lockdown again very soon.
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