Thursday, 18 June 2020

My Lockdown Experience

My Lockdown Experience

The day I found out we were gonna be going into lockdown in 2 days I cried. I was so stressed and nervous for what was going to happen. I was also worried about my 13th birthday party because I was so excited to celebrate my birthday with the people that I loved and cared about. I enjoyed the first week of lockdown because we didn’t have any school. We could just do whatever we wanted. I was sad that I couldn’t see all my friends and my family.

Lockdown was hard for me. I struggled a lot. I have anxiety and in stressful situations, I get really bad with it. I was doing good to start off with and then I got bad. I started to struggle to sleep and I was constantly feeling sick. When I was feeling sick I would wake up feeling sick and go to sleep feeling sick. I wasn’t eating properly either which made me feel even sicker. But I started to get a lot better and I was barely feeling sick anymore. Now we think that my feeling sick was because of my anxiety and we also think that I’m lactose tolerant. I’m on a diet where I’m not having any food with dairy in them. I have lactose free milk, cheese, ice cream and butter.

My birthday was in lockdown and I was sad because I couldn't have a party. But because we were in level 3 we could have a few people over. So my Nana, Grandad and great Nana came in for lunch and we also had a couple other people over. I got a new phone for my birthday and I was so excited. I got a bunch of stickers for my bullet journal, I got some flowers, a blanket led lights and chocolate from some of my friends. I also got a bit of money. I enjoyed my birthday with my family.

I’m so glad that we are out of lockdown. I was really nervous on the first day of school because no one knew what was happening and how different things would be. When I and my brother Jimmy got to school the staff members had made a photo frame thing that was at the school gate entrance. We all got a photo taken there. Some people didn’t like the idea but I thought it was a good idea because it reminded kids that the teachers will be there for us if we need them. We have to sanitize our hands four times a day at school and we have to social distance ourselves from others. Our desks are all separated so we are not touching anyone or in their personal bubble.

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