Thursday, 14 May 2020

My Lock down Experience


Little did we know the world was about to change

Owners of shops shutting their doors and making life-changing decisions

Children normally complain because they don’t want to go to school and now we are complaining because we want to go to school

Kiwis doing the right thing well most of them at least

Dads and Mums on the frontline risking their lives for others

Only seeing the people in my bubble

When is it over I’m bored and want to see my friends

Not knowing when it's going to end

Education is really important now than what it has been before

Exercise is the only escape from our home, the real world and our thoughts

Positive thoughts are what everyone needs through this rough time in our lives

Easter in lockdown was the worst at least Easter Bunny still came

Rough times like this is when we should be thankful for everything that we have

Inside 24/7 not allowed out except for doing exercise of course

Everybody is going crazy at supermarkets and buying more stuff than what they would normally buy

Never-ending it’s been so long, is it over yet? I can’t wait!

Children are doing online school which, to be honest, is quite fun

Excited to go back to school finally I can see our friends again

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