Thursday, 21 December 2017

Week 1 Day 4 Hitting A High Note

Activity 1 The Waiata A Song In Your Heart

Taku hina 
I love because its Moana and I love Moana its 1 of my favourite movies. I love the beat of the song and the words.

Activity 2 Playing Games

Name: Kooruru Taonga Taakaro Also Known As Nickle Bones

The Goal Or Purpose Of The Game: Catch the stones

2 Rules
1. Throw the stones up.
2. Grab 2 others then catch the other stone.

Bonus Activity Musical Festivals

1: Tamatea Arikinui. Because I like the beat.
2: Te Iti Kahurangi. Its sounds like a real song.
3: Te Puku O Te Ika. I don't like it because its sad I hate sad songs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    That's a fun waiata you have chosen! The beat does make the song enjoyable. Is it in the movie Moana? I don't think I have heard it before! Do you know what the words mean?

    Kooruru Taonga Taakaro is a fun game and you have done a good job of telling us the purpose and rules. Have you played it before? I've never been very good at it!

    How interesting that you put Te Puku o Te Ika in last place! I put it in first place because I love sad songs. But I can tell that you like uplifting songs from your choice in waiata.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over summer.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.